The additional benefits of owning a sissy husband

The obvious benefits are clear, your sissy can cook clean and take care of any chore you so wish. But there are many more benefits to owning a sissy gurl.Yes there is drama and yes sissy gurls can be soooo needy, but weigh that up against all the benefits and I am convinced you will see I am right.

A sissy is a gurlfriend right in your home, someone to chat to share feelings, thoughts, loves and most of all adventures with.

Imagine your bull has dropped by unexpectantly he is horny your not in the mood give him your sissy gurl to pound. It's a win win you get to relax and catch up on Love Island he gets to fuck something your sissy learns more about womenhood win, win, win!

Your home from work, your stressed, tired and had a bad day, take it out on your sissy faggot husband - again s/he gets to feel humiliated and used and you get a much needed moment of stress relief - win win

You always have a holiday gurlfriend and you will always be the pretty one!

You can explore all sorts of kinks - a sissy is a pet for life! 

When your man wants to cum all over you - a sissy will help clean up

Sahring clothes

you get to fuck her/his asspussy 

I would be interested to hear from real women about these points which excite, which bore you and most of all which have I missed.


  1. What about going shopping and for spa days together? That's something as a sissy I look forward to.

  2. Very beneficial for the sissy as well


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