Dealing with your post cum male

Over the last few months I have spoken to several hundred sissy gurls and almost all the gurls I have spoken too, have asked me for help dealing with their post cum male ego.

Let me explain, this phenomenon is so clearly a sissy gurl issue I tend to call it the 'Post cum male ego' The moment a sissy gurl cums, shame, humiliation and embarrassment flood in and the sissy rushes around trying to hide his/her clothes and tries to return to maleness - hence the male ego.

The ejaculation point is critical, a sissy will behave as a gurl, until that point. The key is to simply extend the femm feeling post ejaculation for as long as possible. I have used several techniques to keep sissy gurls in the state of femm, slowly increasing the length of time until the male ego is gone this does take time but it is worth the effort and I can assure all sissy gurls reading this that they will feel so much more as they extend their mindset, feelings and emotional state past the point of ejaculation.

Some of the techniques I have used with Nicole are the moment s/he cums I make her/him stand up and adjust her/his lingerie - this is particularly effective for gurls who love to dress and spend time selecting their lingerie. Another option is to gift the gurl a new set this will cause the gurl much stress as her/his male ego screams no, her/his femm needs just want to dress in the new lingerie.

Encourage her/him to adjust and and move around the room - s/he needs to look at her/himself and enjoy the view.

Another wonderful moment in extending the femm state of mind is to give your sissy gurl her first ever fake breasts just as s/he cums- this will again make the sissy so confused and in need to stay in a femm mindset even after ejaculation.

As the your sissy cums take a selfie with her/him this diverts the attention and encourages the sissy to act femm for the photo 

Forcing your sissy gurl to eat her/his cum or collecting several loads from your alpha bull to feed her/him - as your sissy gurl cums feed her cum

If your gurl is not ready for cum then I would suggest you mix your bulls cum into cream or icecream and introduce your sissy to cum gently as s/he licks the cream tell him/her what is mixed with it.

Another cum related method is to have your sissy cum on her/his own face and then take a selfie - encourage the sissy to lick her/his lips.

A technique I have and still to this day use on Nicole is to humiliate her/him in another direction, this causes the sissy to focus on the task at hand the emotions related to the task Rather than their own issue with Sissy hood

I do love to make sissy gurls cum and into their knickers - a sure fire way to keep the gurls in a femm mindset - let them cum then tell them they have to get dressed and make you a coffee or lunch and they can only change once completed, as they slide into their jeans or pull down the hem of their skirt and just like a women they will learn to deal with the sexual fluids and will learn to wipe themselves dry.


Do let me know which works for you sissy


  1. Alternatively don't let them cum unless it's from anal with no touching of the clitty. I've also found that if you ruin the orgasm then the girly feelings still remain.

  2. Eating cum definitely works for me. I do get very reserved after ejaculation with remorse of how I'm dressed. I shouldn't be, but I do. I know I'm a sissy deep down inside and my Mistress is gradually getting better at enforcing it. We are both newer to this lifestyle, but it's something we both desire. Her enforcement needs to be more consistent, but I also need to be better at projecting as feminine no matter the time or place. Ejaculation is a rush and the drop makes you see what you really are doing after the high wears off. Consuming cum, no matter if it's on Mistress or on a dildo works to keep myself in the proper mindset. Mistress just needs to enforce this fact with regularity rather than sporadically. It would help quicken my acceptance of being a former male to full fledged sissy.


  3. Clearly I have some learning to do but ruined orgasms do work for me. I do love the idea of cumming in my panties and having to walk around with that wetness as well.

  4. I find that using a vibrator on my sissy clit helps to cum in a more delicate girly way that helps with cum consumption. Also it is much easier and tastier when in a position where the clitty points down at my face and I try to catch it in my mouth. Cum is tastiest when hot, after all.

    But my biggest moment of awakening to my post cum shame was a former Mistress who asked me if I think girls are bad when they consume cum during sex. I didn't think so, I said it seems natural. And she said that I was a sissy gurl and thus just like a real girl it would be totally natural and beautiful for me to consume cum. I thought about it a lot. And it made sense after a while. I was being kind of difficult and hard on myself. I worked through my feelings, trying to enjoy myself instead of judging myself and that really helped me, along with practice. Each time it got easier.

  5. I find the best way to deal with post cum feelings is to encourage the feminity. I immediately lock my clit up and wear my best lingerie again. I will even do a girly activity like paint my nails or shop for more clothes.

  6. After a sound smack on the butt, he sends me off to fix him something to eat wearing his shirt.


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