10 things women love to hate
Break ups, the drama, the tears, sitting with friends looking through old photos, ice cream and more drama. Break ups hurt but we love them. We can get closer to our girlfriends again, we can share secrets and we can have a good cry.
The utter panic when he cums inside you, but oh my what a feeling, blushing I love feeling his cock throb and then that moment it twitches inside me and then floods me.
Periods, carry my purse everywhere I go, the utter pain, inconvenience and the cramps. Ohhh how annoying but soo femm, it is what makes women special.
Being the bitch, admit it every women hates her but wants to be her soooo much. Being cruel is part of womenhood we should embrace it.
The pretty girls, oh how we envy them, want to be them. We tell ourselves they are shallow, stupid, bitchy, unkind - these are all lies, these women are simply better, they are the peak of womenhood and we women should adore them.
Small cocks, yes we prefer bigger cocks but sometimes it is nice to have a little one. It feels nice and he can finish you off with his tongue.
Two cocks admit it ladies we all dream of being taken. Yes we are ashamed of those thoughts but there is not a women alive today who has not imagined herself stuck onto two cocks.
Catching our bestie being fucked. Giggling about it over drinks and enjoying her squirm as you keep telling her all the details.
We love to hate your cum. But really we love it.
That itch deep inside - we need a good seeing too, but are sooo afriad to ask.
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