What is the collective noun for a group of sissy gurls


A fun little challange to ponder - how about:

1. A gagging of gurls 

2. A bitch of gurls

3. A slut of gurls 

4. A needy of gurls 

5. A girly of gurls 

Suggestions in the comments gurls


  1. My favorite is a gagging of gurls

  2. A "bitch of gurls" sounds natural to me

  3. Borrowing from one suggestion above, I like "A gaggle of gurls."
    To keep with alliterations, "A sitting of sissies" seems appropriate.
    Other ideas:
    "A crowd of cross-dressers."
    "A flaming of faggots."
    "A bevy of blowers."
    "A wave of bottoms."


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