It started as a little bit of fun...
Your husband has told you he likes to dress, your shocked, upset confused, but you love him and want to support him. So you agree to an evening in so you can meet his femm persona. It's akward, a little odd and there is a lot of dramatic pauses but as the wine flows it really does go well, you begin to understand he really is a she and after a few more glasses you feel able to ask the difficult questions.
The months roll by and dressing at the weekends, slowly becomes dressing in the evenings, Covid allows hubby to dress during the day.
You wake up one day and realise that dressing together is so much fun but there comes a point when it is not enough. Not enough for the sissy husband and not enough for the wife what then?
You husband looks cute and it is fun but perhaps you need to push the boundaries, explore a few of your kinks and pretty soon the idea of a lesbian, girlfriend dynamic starts to form in both the sissy guels mind and the wifes. It seems an easy adjustment and makes sense. You both fall into a girly friendship.
Its so much fun it feels like you are both dating you discover new clubs and bars that encourage your new way of life and make new friends
Its all fashion, girly movies, rom-coms and period dramas. You even start to invite other couples for dinner and enjoy seeing other sissy husbands and their wives. You both become party girls, you dont sleep around but you enjoy teasing and flirting with the new crowd, its soo much fun.
Playing at home becomes the norm, but very quickly real life starts to impinge, work, cooking, cleaning, laundry and arguments start to impact on the little love nest, so the wife starts to resent the sissy. Thoughts start to roll around the wifes mind, well if he wants to wear lingerie and be subservient then he can cook and clean.
At first its all fun and the sissy does indeed clean, cook and run errands. Enjoying the feeling of being femm even with mundane tasks.
But the sissy gets a little bored, the attention starts to drift and the wife needs her husband back. The wife is drained, the emotional support and adjustments she has had to make for her sissy husband is huge. She needs her man back for a short while. The resentment really starts to set in now as the wife can see the husband just wants to play and is almost always talking about his femm persona.
At this stage the wife demands more from the sissy, requests turn to orders, orders turn into non negotiable commands and the sissy gurl feels excited and a little fearfull, the marrige really has changed. The wife is now treating her husband as a maid and is expecting the sissy gurl to perform.
Humiliation and punishment starts to appear in the dynamic between the wife and the sissy.
The punishment becomes more and more extremeand more focused around female punsihment
Chastity training and pegging become normal, the sissy no longer allowed to penetrate the wife.
At this point your wife care little for her sissy husbands needs and focuses on her own pleasure.
At the same time the wife begins to expore more kinks the sissy gurl is truly submissive now, almost all of her beta male persona has been replaced with her female persona.
The sissy is a freelancing secretary, who works for like minded men who run thier own businesses. To say that the sissy provides additional support to her employer is an understament.
Now on hormones and well on the way to becoming a real women the sissy can take roles with larger organisations and date many more men.
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