A little tip for anyone going to university and sharing a room with another girl. Don't pick up anything cock or penis shaped that belongs to your room mate. Young women have a tendency of pushing into their vaginas anything that might make a handy dildo. I sahred a dorm room with two girls and both girls would use their roll on deoderant as a makeshift dildo. Yes I am currently blushing as I write this, I also would use a anything (bottles, toothbrush and the handle to my room mates hair brush to name a few) I could find to scratch that particular itch.
Yes girls like things inside their vaginas, because it is just soooo
yummy. Trust
me, if it is cock shaped, a woman somewhere has had the object inside
Why am I writting this post? Well I was asked recently by several
sissy gurls, what is the yummiest feeling inside your vagina? Having stopped to ask the sissy gurls what exactly were they
trying to understand, it became apparant that their goal was to discover
the most pleasurable thing they could 'shove up' their sissy asspussy.
Having rolled my eyes, giggled and blushed like a teenager I spent
several minutes expressing the pleasures of a hot hard fat cock, or the
yummy sensations from a finger or three or that streaching sensation
from your plastic friend.
Ever the proffesional I spoke with several women and after a few glasses
of wine and a lot of giggling and far too much blushing (we were all
university students at some point - oh the experimentation, oh the
shame, but what is Uni for if not to explore your sexuality, your body
and your mind?) Every single day across every university campus there are drunk women being taken to bed and waking up hung over with a sore ass or sore jaw and a vagina full of cum.
So what is the yummiest thing? A hard cock filling your ass and fingers sliding in and out of your pussy? A wet tongue? A dildo?
The girls all agreed the number one yummiest thing a girl can have
inside her vagina... drum roll please (yes I have had a few too many
G&Ts.) is a hot hard fat cock that is cuming.
It pulses, it throbs, it expands and then you feel it shooting into you,
the sensation, the release, you can feel his cum, the warmth, the
liquid, his thrusts and I love the noises he makes. I love that I made
him cum, that he has cum inside me and that his hardness is due to me
and my body.
I love feeling him twitch, the sensation inside when I feel his cum filling me, the position matters also, I like it if he has a heavy load to dump inside, I move to a position so I can feel it leak out

That sissy gurls is the most yummiest thing a girl can put inside her vagina.It also feels amazing when he cums in your ass!
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