Some of you might know Aly, she is a cute sissy gurl and she is also my PA. When I first met Aly she was very timid, she was soooo desperate to feel feminine, to cross that magical, impossible threshold and experience real womanhood.
This innocent vulnerability and desire to seek out female experiences has helped Aly find a special place in my heart, she is adorable, cute, and ever so femm. She is also frustrating, ditzy and still a man sometimes. Aly has pushed herself to explore many aspects of female life. I for one have enjoyed her journey and the men and woman, whom I have arranged to help her explore those feelings and sensations have all been pleased with our little sissy whore. My fave moment when training Aly was watching her lick her fingers clean, her hand was covered in cum and in one motion tucked her beautiful blonde hair behind her ear and began to lick her fingers, in such a girly way, her nails polished and red stood out as she paused and with her index finger pushed the last reamining blob of cum onto her lips and licked her lips clean and gave out a little purr. Such a sissy gurl.
Aly has learned to pleasure others and in doing so has learned to pleasure herself. Being a woman is all about the moment, feelings and being open to people. But Aly can tell you more...
Hey gurls! Aly here - so excited to share that I've been on a month long
journey of training and guidance thanks to the wise and generous Ms
Kate. It has been a difficult but exciting few weeks. I've emerged from
her training with a better appreciation for what it means to be a woman,
including the joys and the many challenges. At the hands of Ms Kate,
I've continued to develop on my path to accepting greater femininity in
my life, learning the appropriate mindset for a gurl like me, and slowly
correcting my many misguided male thoughts.
know I still have so far to go in embracing the gurl inside me and many
more difficult and challenging steps still to take. I hope I can
continue to make Ms Kate proud in my progress and earn her support and
instruction as I develop. Though there are so many exciting things left
to learn, I thought it would be super fun to share with you all what
I've learned so far!
Get Comfortable with Being Vulnerable
Ms Kate definitely knows how to push a gurl out of her comfort zone
found myself regularly tasked with requests that make me feel
vulnerable, exposed, or embarrassed. I confessed to Ms Kate that I had
hoped to be seen in a certain way, and that what she was asking of me
felt inconsistent with the way I saw myself. Boohoo!
a gurl, I know I need to be comfortable with others having strong
preferences on how I present myself, and expect me to perform for them
as they demand. Men often enjoy a lot of autonomy and control over how
they present themselves, but we gurls need to realize that we'll need to
be better attuned to the expectation of others, and try our best to
embody their desires in how we show up in the world physically.
may feel how they look is a reflection on who they are or how they
should be seen, and so my first instinct was to feel that how I look was
all about me! But this is just an old habit of thought. I'm still
working to learn the humility required to let go of wanting to be seen a
certain way and just enjoy trying to make others happy with how I look.
I'm so happy to have Ms Kate share her feedback on my look, critique my
hairstyle, and comment on my body - I know it will all help me become a
better gurl for her!
for a gurl there's nothing unusual about feeling vulnerable or exposed
in how one looks - real women everyday experience this in the way
women's clothes are always threatening to fail or show to much at just
the wrong moment, how their heels pitch them up in uncomfortable and
unstable positions, how she has to be careful in how she holds
everything with her long nails, how careful she has to be about touching
her face so as not to disturb her makeup.
It's Probably Your Fault and You Should Do Better
rarely find a man apologize for something, recognizing how they've
inconvenienced another, or take responsibility for how their actions
impact the people around them - they're just so totally used to getting
away with whatever they want and never having to care. But we gurls need
to let go of that kind of habit - embracing femininity means feeling
more in touch with the feelings of those around us, knowing what makes
them happy and what disappoints them. These feelings hit us hard because
it is in our nature to empathize with others and ensure that we put
their feelings above our own. After all, as gurls we have to always do
our best to be fun, support the work of those around us, and make people
feel great.

has been a real challenge for me - I'm so used to deflecting or getting
defensive, or trying to shield myself from my natural concern for what
other people are feeling. Ms. Kate has helped me open up to those
feelings, and created the space for me to be more reflective about how
my actions have caused problems for others, how my failure to better
anticipate the needs of those around me has let them down, and how hard I
need to work to not disappoint others in my behavior. It has meant
accepting my responsibility and my fault in these situations, and
recognizing how I've failed to play the positive, supportive role I know
I need to as a gurl.
know now how women have suffered under these expectations and have had
to manage the emotions of others, do what they can to keep others happy,
and take responsibility for when things go wrong. We gurls should
recognize that this is now part of what we should expect too!
Just Let Go and Live in the Moment
are expected to always be planning, thinking about the future,
reasoning about how to organize their thoughts and compartmentalizing
their feelings. I know I've always thought about my life this way and it
has always been a lot of work and stress - super lame! I know I still
think this way all the time though, worrying about what feelings go in
what boxes, thinking about the future, where this journey will take me,
what comes next and how I should plan for it. At the end of each day,
I've felt stressed and anxious about how to plan for all these things
and I've confessed my confusion and uncertainty to Ms Kate.
for me, she helped me understand how I totally missed the point of
what's so great about being a gurl. I know now that I need to stop
worrying so much about how everything works out and what parts of me go
where, and just embrace what I'm feeling and know that its right!
means not worrying so much about the future or the logic of everything,
and just living in the moment, being happy, and having fun! This was
such a revelation to learn, and to finally feel the permission just to
let my feelings run wild and go with it. Here too though it is soo easy
for me to just slip right back into pretending to need to think
everything through and have a plan. So I'm so grateful for Ms Kate
reminding me to let go of all those boring thoughts and recognize how
much fun it can be to be a gurl.
Female Friendship is the Best!
than anything though - I've been sooo grateful to have a woman to chat
with each day, to share my feelings with, to open up about my worries
and my fears, all the things that scare me and excite me. For the first
time, I've had the chance just to let my feelings out and felt how
amazing it is to have a friendly ear there to hear me and assure me.

step on this journey has felt so scary! And I know I have soo much to
learn, so many feminine feelings and experiences to catch up on,
sometimes I just feel so totally lost. But having Ms Kate there to hear
my worries, fears, to answer my questions and help me better understand
what it means to be a woman is so amazing! Women face a lot of
challenges, but they have incredible super powers in meeting those
challenges, and the friendship and bond between them is especially
powerful. I've always been so jealous of the great close friendships
between women, the freedom to share feelings openly, to feel supported
and recognized and I'm so grateful that Ms Kate has shown me just how
wonderful that can be!

that's my update for now! I still have so much to learn and improve on.
Who knows where this crazy journey will take me, but I know one thing
for sure: I'm in amazing hands with Ms Kate. I'm so so lucky to have her
support and guidance and we should all do our best to learn from her!
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