Learning to communicate without words

Many Wives have learned to accept their sissy husbands, some have even learned to love their husbands female alter ego. 

But how does a wife let her husband know she wants a little girl on gurl fun. Some wives find the whole things a little embarrasing and some struggle being that transparent. 

The answer non verbal communication. Nicole and I had a simple system. When I felt like playing with Nicole I would leave this key ring on my husbands nightstand. 

By using this simple visual clue, I was able to express something I wanted while not having awkward conversations. As the months rolled on and Nicole become and more and more 'permanent' my comfort zone expanded and we added several other keyring. 
As we learned about our new selves, we added this keyring to the mix. This meant I have a lover and Nicole would have to sleep in the spare room.




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