In response to Michelle
Every single day my inbox is filled with sissy gurls asking for advice, guidance, tips and support. It is a never ending stream of gurls whining. Sissy gurls loooove drama!
Everynow and then an interesting email drops into my inbox, in this case Michelle a gurl I have been training and speaking with for some time has sent me the most adorable email.
Lets take Michelle's first question. Every women adores getting ready for a night out, dressing up, trying out outfits, discussing the night ahead, chatting about guys. It is all very friendly and fun, but every single women is trying to manage her insecurities, boobs too small, too big, overweight, not curvy, too curvy, bad hair day. The list is endless. Some girl groups are more supportive, others can be really really bitchy, we have all seen mean girls right!
Some girls are very shy and prefer to dress on their own, others are very open and will pile into the bathroom or squeeze infront of the mirror, all giggles, culers and makeup and seem impervious to any insecurities. These girls can be very complimentary or very bitchy.
As a side note, and something worth mentioning as most sissy misunderstand the preening and preparation for a night out. It is not about the guys, it is all about empowerment. The more positive groups encourage and compliment.
Women are however human and envy and personal insecurities coupled to any particular arguments or falling out with friends can impact this dynamic.
Regarding dieting I will respond in another post.
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