Michelle the 'Wanna Be'

I have been working with Michelle for some time, s/he has been a rather sweet gurl often times hiding her/his true self, but the recent work we have done together has helped to identify the type of sissy gurl s/he is. This is an important part of my process once identified we can truly begin our training.    

There are 10 key sissy gurl types:

1. Slutty Sissy 

2. Sissy Maid

3. Little Sissy

4. Wanna Be 

5. Sub/Pet Sissy 

6. Sweet Sissy

7. Bitchy Sissy

8. Secret Sissy 

9. Show-off Sissy 

10. Sissy Wife

So which one if our darling Michelle? Well at first the indications were pointing to 'Secret Sissy' 

The secret sissy, a true sissy in hiding, in need of somewhere safe to explore his other self. Normally a well rounded and high achieving individual. A secret sissy, simply becuase no one would believe his secret yearning that need to be worked through now and then. 

The male persona, to be stong, a leader, does not leave much room to express emotions or show a more vulnerable side. Stress can build up. Balance is needed. Macho roles can take their toll on the male psyche. All men to some degree need to find this equilibrium. A space needs to be created for the secret sissy to relax and unwind, to hand over control to a dominant woman in cocooned privacy. The art of submitting and letting go (easier said than done) is the main focus here. Lying on your back, smothered by femininity, then down on bent knees for some strap-on activity.

But it became very apparent that sweet Michelle is actually a Wanna Be Sissy. What is a Wanna Be, I can hear you all including poor little Michelle ask. That is right ladies, I have not told Michelle, I am publishing this article and will be emaling Michelle to read it.

A Wanna Be is girly, she dreams of being a woman, she needs to be femm, she needs to have a dominate woman challenge her. A Wanna Be is exactly that, they dream of being a woman, they want to dress, flirt, be submissive and be lusted after but they will NEVER make the move or dare to think about cock in a sexual way (only in their most darkest deepest recesses of their femm little sissy gurls minds), not even in their fantasy world they have constructed, they need someone else to take control and guide them to their first cock. 

A Wanna Be is excited by all things female but more than just presenting as female, the entire female expereince, they dream of girly BFFs, cute outfits and gossiping about boys. 

 Wanna Be gurls fixate on key moments and experiences in the lives of woman. Perhaps they had a girlfriend or sister that was overly popular and they are aware of a moment that they wish to emulate, to feel as their idol felt, to know what it means to be in that moment. It might be a crazy prom party or 

A memory or a woman simply admiring herself and her lingerie. Given enough time we can pin point that moment for every Wanna Be, the question that needs to be explored is simply, what would happen if the Wanna Be got to live that moment.

I think Michelle herself answered that key question in one of her training responses. 

"This is such a hard question. I'd love love love to be her and it would feel so so amazing, but at the same time my male life is quite nice and I'm happy. I would chose to be a part time Michelle if possible, like I would indulge my femme passions when able before returning to my dull normal life, but overtime I know it will be harder to let go of being Michelle each time."

Lets change tact for a moment, lets suspend reality and ask a critical question. Imagine if Michelle was presented with a magic coin and she simply could make a wish to become her dream of female beauty. but she could not return to her old life. Would she?

How many Wanna Be gurls would make that wish, to be her? Almost all Wanna Be gurls live inside a female bubble which has been constructed inside their own heads, a fantasy world. But the bubble is very fragile and is easily popped. In the few months I have been working with Michelle she has made huge strides towards her femm self and the reality is (I know you are sooo blushing right now Michelle) it has not been that difficult to move Michelle's dial.   

So Michelle you are a Wanna Be. I have sent you an email and your next training task.


  1. Dear Ms Kate,

    Omg I'm blushing soo much! You are of course so right about me. I never thought of myself as a wanna be sissy but I see that fits me almost perfectly. It does feel liberating (and a bit embarrassing) to just admit that to myself.

    I want to thank you Ms Kate for helping me explore my femme self. I've very much enjoyed you adjusting my "dial" and learning more about myself. I truly think every sissy gurl who reads your blog would benefit from your input :)

    Sissy Michelle


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