Powerful Women

Women are constantly bombarded with sex rules that frankly don’t exist, in fact the relationship narrative has been clearly de-bunked. Women simply do not have to conform, we don't have to be submissive, or let a man make the first move, or smile sweetly and agree with everything he says!

Remember girls we are not allowed to hurt his ego so don't ever complain that he has barely satisfied your needs. How many times have you sat in bed in the wet patch, next to him sleeping soundly blissfully unaware that he has not flicked your switch? How often are you left covered in his cum and yet you don't have any release?

How often have you had to pleasure him because he needs it (eye roll) and yet he rarely attends to your needs. So many women I have spoken too have expressed their frustration and anger with several repeating and seemingly universal situations. You are in the process of getting ready to go out with the girls and he starts to moan, he needs your attention, needs to be satisfied, needs you... You know it is easier to capitualte and you find yourself on your knees again with his cock firmly in your throat...

Every woman in a relationship understands this dynamic, it is the compromise we need accept we tell oursevles. Just this time, I mean I am going out and the poor darling is staying in. We come back home and find our man asleep on the sofa we feel horny and want him to take us to bed. We wake him and in our minds eye every women has an image of their guy really seeing to our needs. We see images like this, toe curling orgasms that send us to the moon, but we the reality is he can just about send us to the next room!

The reality is less than 3% of men are able to perform to that extent. More married women have sex toys then unmarried women, what does that little fact tell you all. 

Well gurls it is clear to me that we have to find our pleasure where we can and in most cases, women are doing it for themselves, we dont have a choice. As most husbands, partners are unable to please their women what else can a girl do other than slide up and down on a cock shaped dildo?

Lets get rid of our hung ups, imagine the mind-blowing time you could have without them. Every woman should empower her female friends, lets tell them it is ok to take what you need.  Taking control in bed means authentic expression in whatever form it may take. So, ask yourself: What empowers you?

If you like to dress up, or present yourself as a prize, then do so. If you like to be objectified and feel powerful in your feminity then you as a woman need to follow your desires for a change. 

Perhpas you like to flash a little flesh and be bitchy, hell girl go for it. What ever makes you happy and as long as your sissy gurl consents then play as much as your heart desires. Lets not judge other women for their desires, their need and wants. Let all women celebrate women and their needs.

Time are indeed changing, women have realised they no longer need to be at the behest of men. There is a shift happening and it is very clear to see, more and more women are in charge in the bedroom. Lets be clear gurls it’s not always the stereotypical fantasy of black leather and whips (though totally is mine). 

Figuring out how to take control in the bedroom in a way that makes you feel sexy as hell, requires letting go and taking your sissy in hand even when he is in male mode.

Women can also empower themselves sexually by setting boundaries that work for them. Being able to communicate your needs and desires in a safe and respectful way will allow you to have more fulfilling and enjoyable experiences. It is also important to find partners who are also comfortable talking about sex and who respect your boundaries - remember that consent and respect are always key elements to a fulfilling sexual experience.

Ultimately, each woman’s experience of sexual pleasure and empowerment is unique, but taking the time to explore these topics and get to know yourself and your body can be incredibly rewarding. When we take care of ourselves and pay attention to our body’s responses, we are better equipped to engage in enjoyable sexual activities. Taking an active role in your own sexual pleasure will not only make this process enjoyable, but also lead to a greater sense of self-confidence and well-being.


  1. From my experience, on both first image as well as on image with strapon we can see fake cum. Real cum is so much juicier and not that evenly destine. And yes, I love pleasuring and been used as sex toy so much, when whole body is sore and sensitive, when you cannot sleep for long begging for release, knowing that you will not have it and been aroused by this thoughts

    Secret Sissy Jessika


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