The Ultimate Gurl Name Project!

I’ve talked about this before, but darlings, my understanding of what gurls truly need and desire has grown sooo much. With that in mind, I’ve updated the process to make it even better! Any gurl who wants to take part absolutely should—this will help you choose the perfect, sweet, sexy, and glam femm name that reflects your true sissy self!

Alright, gurls! It's time to embark on a fabulously fun project that every proper princess should complete! Every gurl needs a PINK NOTEBOOK for this journey, yes, PINK, no exceptions! This is your Sissy Transformation Journal, and this little book will help you become the ultra-feminine, delicate, and gorgeous version of yourself! 📖💞

The WRONG Ways to Pick a Sissy Name (Naughty Naughty! 🙅‍♀️)

Before we dive into the perfect ways to pick your deliciously gurly new name, let’s giggle at some totally wrong ways that some misguided gurls have tried before! (And no, you won’t be making these mistakes, will you?

❌ Feminizing Your Male Name – Ugh, no sweetie! Peter becoming Petra? Matthew turning into Margaret? How dull and uninspired! Your new sissy identity is a fresh start, and we don’t need leftovers from your boy life!

❌ Your First Crush – Adorable? Maybe. Correct? Absolutely not! You’re here to create your own identity, not copy your old heart-flutter moments.

❌ A Family Member’s Name – Ew! This is so not the vibe we’re going for. You are a delicate, feminine flower, not a mini version of your sister, mom, or Aunt Karen.

❌ Exotic Stripper or Porn Star Names – Now, now, my frilly little thing, you are here to be elegant and classy, not to sound like you work at a seedy club. Silly gurl! Just NO!

❌ Taking Your Favorite Online Mistress’s Name – As much as your Mistress (or your favorite Sissy Mentor) might be flattered, we cannot have thousands of “Sissy Kate” gurls running around, rubbing themselves on every pillow and table corner. Naughty!

The ONLY Two Correct Ways to Choose Your Sissy Gurl Name! Pay Attention, Princess!


1. Find a Real Woman You Admire – Now this is where the real magic happens!

  • Flip through your favorite fashion magazines, scroll through Instagram, and explore Pinterest
  • Find a woman whose style, elegance, and beauty make your heart flutter.
  • Study her! What’s her name? How does she dress? How does she speak? What makes her her?
  • Once you truly understand why you admire her, then and only then do you earn the right to take her name.

2. Your Master or Mistress Will Name You – If you are lucky enough to have a guiding force in your sissy journey, they may bless you with the most perfect, feminine, and utterly you name ever. Trust in their wisdom, my sweet submissive princess!

Your Sissy Gurl Name Assignment! Yes, Homework Can Be Fun!

  • Get your PINK NOTEBOOK and a glittery pen! (This is mandatory, you lovely thing!)  Write down all the incorrect ways to choose a name—just to remind yourself what NOT to do!
  • Start researching the most beautiful, inspiring women. Take notes on their style, name, and why you love them.
  • Once you find her, write her name in your notebook, decorate the page with stickers, doodles, and hearts. (Because everything is better with glitter and hearts!)
  • If you have a Mistress or Master, ask them to bless you with your perfect sissy name. Curtsy when you receive it!

Post in the comments and share your new sissy name and how you chose it! Let’s celebrate all the beautiful new princesses!

Remember, your sissy name is a symbol of your transformation into the beautiful, feminine, obedient gurl you are meant to be. Choose wisely, my precious pink cupcake!


  1. ‘curtsy’ This was such a fun project. I love my new pink journal and would appreciate more exercises. A few months back I thought I had to choose female name for an online community I joined (I did not) and quickly picked the name of a distant aunt I really admired. Wrong way #3. I quickly pivoted away from that because, yes, super weird. I choose Morgan because it was unisex, but also I don’t personally know any Morgans. As part of this project I found models and influencers named Morgan to admire. Morgan could also be a last name so I could also add a more feminine first name and use Morgan as a middle name or with certain groups. I asked AI for help and the suggestions I like best are Maya Morgan (double M, simple), Mackenzie Morgan, and Adeline Morgan. I going to sleep on this and see if any of these feel right tomorrow. Open for other suggestions!

  2. Curtsey, well I chose my name as Jennifer Green. For a variety of reasons, I went with this. I was told early on my name if I was girl would be Jennifer. However, as I have aged, I love Jennifer Anniston. She is just timelessly beautiful, great figure, skin, fashion, personality, just lover her. I also loved watching her on Friends as Rachel Green. Thus, I combined the two as Jennifer Green.


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